The start of a new school year is coming closer and closer every day. Thankfully, I still have a summer left and I will be making the most of it! I decided to drop off some items today and get my furniture placed (that's always the hard part!) so that I didn't have to think about it when I go back in a few weeks to crank out my classroom. It's always interesting walking into the large and empty room. I've made so many memories in the two years that I've been in this classroom and I plan on making many more this coming school year. There's something about an empty classroom, though. Putting together a classroom (every year) can be an exciting, stressful, overwhelming, emotional, and certainly a creative experience but it always turns out the way you've imagined it to be! :)

I have been teaching for 2 1/2 years and I am going into my third full year this year! (Woohoo!) These last few years would have been so much more difficult if I hadn't had the help of my family and my love, Michael, to aid in the setup of my classroom(s). I have to give credit when it's due, Michael puts up with a lot of pickiness from me in my classroom (...and always!! <3 ) I truly feel anyone who dates a teacher has to have a very special, patient heart...especially when it comes time for setting up our classrooms!! ;) I think Michael knows that every new school year he will be there to help me in my classroom and (thankfully) he is okay with that. <3
I wanted to shine the spotlight on him a bit as he is always there for me through this amazing journey we call teaching. Check him out in action throughout the last few years:

2012 - 2013 Kindergarten

2013-2014 Second Grade

2014-2015 Second Grade

2015-2016 Second Grade
Today, he put together the bookshelf while I decorated! ;)
So, who helps you in your room? Do you have to stick it out solo or do you have special helpers to get you through? Regardless of how you get it done, I'm sure your room is amazing at the end of it all! :)